Tell me, what is it you plan to do with
your one wild and precious life?

~ Mary Oliver~

acr_bw2I’m a licensed psychologist

with more than 30 years of personal and professional experience helping people who feel overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, or out-of-sorts move to a deeper sense of well-being.

I love working with people

who wish to look beyond ‘what’s wrong,’ beyond the stresses of daily living into a search for deeper meaning in their lives, even when their lives throw curve balls such as unexpected transitions, health challenges, and the ups and downs of relationship.

I can help guide you

through life’s challenges and changes, using an integrated approach that includes positive psychology interventions and mind-body techniques. We will clarify relevant issues, enabling you to trust yourself enough to make wise choices, ones that promote self-acceptance, healing, and thriving.



I value

the role of intuition, spirituality, creativity, humor, nature, and your body’s wisdom as you search for your own “one wild and precious life”.

The therapeutic process

is a highly personal journey and a sacred trust between us to discover your best self. I am honored to travel with you on your path.

I provide

a warm and comfortable environment, using my insight, intuition, and years of experience to help you. My therapeutic style is informal and collaborative as we work together to solve the inevitable problems of living.